Regarding Admission to Graduate School

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Regarding Admission to Graduate School (Graduate School of Bionics, Computer and Media Sciences)

The following outlines the process for prospective students who are considering attending our graduate school from a university overseas.

(1)Select a faculty advisor and laboratory

Referring to the graduate school website and the graduate school guide, select a faculty advisor and laboratory that can carry out the research theme you wish to pursue. To enroll in the graduate school, contact the faculty member of your choice before applying for admission to the graduate school, and inform them that you wish to have him/her as your advisor upon entering the graduate school. Once you have received permission from your advisor, you will consult with your advisor to finalize your post-graduate research plan (a research plan will be required at the time of application).

Those who are considering applying for scholarships from the Japanese government's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (see (3)) should begin preparations in March or early April, regardless of the date of the university entrance examinations.

International students may be required to spend time as a research student from six months to a year before entering graduate school in order to familiarize yourself with the language, life in Japan, and laboratory etiquette (please consult with your faculty advisor).

(2)Prepare your general entrance examination application

Please see here for information on the entrance examination schedule, general entrance examinations, and entrance examinations for working adults.

The application requires the submission of a graduate research plan. Please consult with your faculty advisor and prepare it ahead of time. In general, applications may be submitted in English as well as Japanese, but please check with your faculty advisor regarding this point.

(3)Regarding applications for Japanese Government Monbukagakusho (MEXT) scholarships

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of the Japanese government is accepting applications for international students (research students) to conduct research at Japanese universities as regular or non-regular students.
For details, please refer to the following URL.

If you are awarded this scholarship, the entrance fee, tuition, and examination fee at the university will be paid by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). The scholarship is awarded according to the course of study, and the monthly stipend for the master's course is 144,000 yen (for the academic year 2022). Please note that our graduate school does not have a university recommendation system for government-sponsored international students.

The application/selection process is as follows.

Schedule Description
April – May Application period begins at each embassy; submit application documents
May – July First round of selection
Mid – Late August Request for informal acceptance to university
Late September Submission of application for university placement
October – Second round of selection and university placement
December – February Notification of acceptance and university placement results

For the informal acceptance request to the university in mid to late August, if the international student has been accepted in the first round, the faculty member of the graduate school who has already confirmed acceptance in 1) will be the recipient. After the informal acceptance, if the second round of selection and university placement determines placement at the university, the student will be enrolled as a government-sponsored international student from April of the following year. In order to enroll in the master's course as a regular student, the student must pass the graduate school entrance examination.

(4)JLPT N1 and N2 preparation courses for international students being offered

The university offers N1 and N2 preparatory courses to provide international students with support for the N1 and N2 Japanese Language Proficiency Tests. It is considered important for international students to obtain N1 or N2 if they wish to find employment in Japan.

(5)Partial credit can be earned for lectures given in English.

Each department offers the following specialized lectures in English for international students. International students can earn credits for lectures given in English.

Biotechnology and Information Media Master’s Program in English - List of Courses (Number of credits in parentheses)

(Bionics English Program)
Redox biology (1)
Advanced Lecture on Microbial Metabolic Engineering (1)
Molecular oncology (1)
Cell Stress (1)
Functional genomics (1)
Advanced environmental microbiology(1)
Cell and Developmental Biology (1)
Bioremediation (1)
Advanced Food Lipid Chemistry (1)
Advanced Cosmetic Science (1)
Advanced Cosmetic Materials (1)

(Computer Science English Program)
Advanced Numerical Methods (1)
Chemical Risk Assessment (1)
Coding Theory and Signal Processing (1)
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (1)
Neural Mechanisms of Visual Cognition in Human Brain (1)
Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations (1)
Parallel Processing Programming (1)
Security in Programming Languages(1)
Soft Computing (1),

(Media Science English Program)
Visual Contents Creativity (1)
Advanced Procedural Animation (1)
Advanced Game Design (1)
Computer Visualization (1)
Real-Time Graphics (1)
Advanced speech processing (1)
Ad×Tech (1)
Business Simulation (1)
Interaction Design and Advertisement (1)
Social Design (1)
Advanced Media Network (1)
Media Business Studies (1)
Advanced directing design (1)
Advanced Web application technology (1)