Computer Science Program

Kiyohiko HATTORI


Kiyohiko HATTORI

Department/Research Field

Multi-Agent System, Swarm Intelligence, Swarm Robot, IcT Education

Research content
When many robots work together to perform a task, how should the work be divided? It is time-consuming and expensive for humans to determine the assignment of tasks and the roles of robots each time, and the results will differ from person to person. Therefore, my laboratory aims to let robots and computers communicate and exchange information with each other, consult with each other, and discover their own optimal ways of performing tasks through trial and error and learning. By engineering such a mechanism, I am promoting its application to cooperation among multiple robots, power-saving systems by linking smart phones, route optimization, and so on. Furthermore, we are launching research on a dynamic power fusion system among robots that combines multiple robots with wireless power supply.
Research theme

1.Automatic Driving with Reinforcement Learning
2.Cloud-Based Educational Support System
3.3D Programming

Research keywords
Multi-Agent System , Swarm Intelligence , Swarm Robot
Lab link