Sustainable Engineering Program

Jinseok Woo


Jinseok Woo

Department/Research Field

Human-Centric System, Mobility, Robot Partner System

Research content
Technology related to mobility encompasses not only transportation technology but also modern technologies such as robotics, AI, IoT, and 5G. In our laboratory, we aim to create a human-centric society that allows people to live safely and comfortably in the Society 5.0 era. We conduct research related to mobility system development, the application of robotics, AI, and IoT to achieve this goal. We particularly focus on human-centric aspects, meaning that we prioritize human considerations in mobility, including usability and comfort in mobility operations, as well as the development of interactive mobility interfaces. These technologies can be applied not only to the mobility industry but also have a broader impact by connecting with other technologies to create solutions that are beneficial to people.

Research theme

Control System Development for Personal Mobility
System Development for Human-System Interaction
Development of Human-Centric Robot Systems for Social Implementation

Research keywords
Robotics , IoT Technology , Human System Interaction
Lab link