Sustainable Engineering Program

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Takashi FUJITA


Takashi FUJITA

Department/Research Field


Research content
When gold is immobilized on metal oxides as nanoparticles with diameters smaller than 5 nm, it can catalyze to oxidize CO even below room temperature. We aim to elucidate the origin of the low-temperature catalytic activity and to develop a catalyst that purifies air without heating. Furthermore, focusing on the low-temperature catalytic function of gold nanoparticulate catalysts, we are exploring medical applications. On the other hand, gold nanoparticles of several tens of nanometers in diameter and their assemblies exhibit unique optical properties depending on their shape and structure. We fabricate a highly-ordered gold nanoparticle array and develop a molecular sensor for quantitative analysis of trace samples.

Research theme

1. Development of gold nanoparticulate catalyst for air purification at room temperature
2. Development of gold nanoparticulate catalyst for nanomedicine
3. Fabrication of highly-ordered gold nanoparticle array and its application to molecular sensing

Research keywords
Gold nanoparticulate catalyst , nanomedicine , molecular sensing
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