Sustainable Engineering Program

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Masahiro MONIWA


Masahiro MONIWA

Department/Research Field

Computer Sciences Program/Non-volatile Memory

Research content
We are developing a film-formed transparent non-volatile memory (ReRAM) to be attached on a window glass of a car, glasses, contact lenses, and an adhesive-plaster-shaped pulse-monitor etc. The R&D leads to realization of ultra lightweight, ultra small and ultra low-power wearable devices for the future IoT society of safety and comfort.
Research theme

1. Research on Materials, Device Structures, and Electrical & Optical Characteristics of Transparent ReRAM's.
2. Development of Evaluation & Analysis Technique of Transparent ReRAM's.
3. Development of Fabrication Process of Transparent ReRAM's.

Research keywords
Transparent , ReRAM , Wearable
Lab link